
Perhaps a different city from what it was in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s the heart of Morocco can still be felt. Out on the streets you are constantly watched, which can be intimidating. This is not to say that you feel unsafe. Rather, you are reminded how far removed you are from the ideas of comfort and familiarity that you experience somewhere like Australia. You will find unwavering stares, plenty more men (on the streets) than women and low slung, dark passageways. You can lose all sense of direction, be tricked by children and hassled for your last dollar, but why else do we travel than to have our own reality challenged? To learn from another way of living. To see the sun set over a new horizon to the sound of a chanted prayer, or walk through an unknown door to the most remarkable oasis of red walls, blue pools and perfect symmetry. Once you adjust to the idiosyncrasies of another culture, the Moroccan people are warm, friendly and speak with a glimmer of an age old wisdom. Their way of life is enchanting and the pulse of their cities inspiring.